最終更新: 2023年7月23日
Amaitorte welcomes fan art activities about our works. We hope that the appeal of Amaitorte will be spread to a wider audience through the activities of our fans.
- ファン活動の域を超えた営利目的の利用をしたり、商業ベースの媒体で配信・頒布を行ってはいけません。
- 作者名を偽ったり、元作品の作者名表記を意図的に消したりしてはいけません。
- 嫌がらせ、差別、反社会的・犯罪行為など、ファン活動とは言えない行為に作品を用いることは固く禁じます。
- 元作品を丸ごとコピーして転載したり、物語全体を翻案してはいけません(後述のようなファン翻訳版を除く)。
However, any action that obstructs our official activities is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- You must not make commercial use of our material beyond the realm of fan activities or distribute it in commercial-based media or distribution platforms.
- You must not falsify the author's name or intentionally remove the author's name from our original work.
- Involving our work in harassment, discrimination or anti-social or criminal behaviour is strictly prohibited. We do not recognise anyone who engages in such behaviour as a fan.
- You must not copy and reproduce our original work in its entirety or adapt the entire story (except for fan-translated versions, as described below).
- 動画配信サイトの標準的な機能(収益化など)以外の方法で収入を得ることはできません。
- 配信者様の創作性のない動画(実況を伴わない単なるムービーシーンの切り抜きなど)の配信はできません。
- 動画内での誹謗中傷や差別発言など、作品のイメージを著しく損ったり視聴者に有害な内容の配信はできません。
We welcome media (blogs, magazines, TV, etc.) to introduce, criticise and review our work. You do not need to contact us for publication.
Images, icons, screenshots, dialogues and texts of Amaitorte works may be freely quoted and used in accordance with the copyright laws of the respective countries. We kindly ask you to check for yourself whether the quotation of the work you are planning to use falls within the scope of the law.
Guidelines for Fan-translations
Fan-translations (translations by fans into languages other than Japanese) of Amaitote works may also be freely created and posted by anyone. The guidelines for fan-translations are as follows
- Fan-translations must be based on webcomic that are published on the web (including on this website and Twitter) by Nekobungi Sumire herself and can be viewed for free. Fan-translations based on paid content, such as ebooks, paperbooks or games, are strictly prohibited.
- Fan-translations must be created and displayed for non-commercial purposes and must be viewable for free.
- If all or part of our original work is no longer published on the web, fan-translations must immediately follow suit and cease to be published of the relevant part.
- If all or part of our original work is revised, fan-translations must immediately follow suit and revise the relevant parts (especially for works that are in the process of being serialised, which are frequently revised).
- You must not create a fan-translation if an official translation in the same language already exists. When an official translation in the same language is published or released in the future, the fan-translation must cease to be published immediately.
These guidelines are only a guide for creating fan art and do not constitute a formal copyright licence by the author. The author is not directly involved in the fan art, Fan-translations or any other use of Amaitorte works, and Nekobungi Sumire is not liable for any form of prejudice or damage caused by the use of Amaitorte works.
The author reserves the right to revise these guidelines at any time and without notice; please check the latest guidelines before using Amaitorte works.